a song for the end
Cristina Planas Leitão
Piece created for the 2nd years of the Modern Theater Dance BA at Amsterdam University of the Arts – MTD2 Midterm Performance
Creation period 8 Jan – 13 Feb 2018
14, 15, 16, 17 February 2018 – 20:00 – Performances at Academie voor Theater en Dans, Amsterdam (NL)
Midterm is a triple bill performance by the Modern Theater Dance program of the Academy of Theatre and Dance. Artistic director Angela Linssen invited trending choreographers Nicole Beutler, Cristina Planas leitão and LeineRoebana to make choreography with respectively the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students.
A song for the end has been created with and for the 14 students of MTD2. Departing from the binomial power and resistance, a song for the endapproaches the physicality of conquered and colonized bodies in a constant escalade. Working mostly through ambiguation, dualities such as labour & disruption, domination & submission, to possess & to be possessed emerge and decline endlessly in a multitude of bodies, encompassing the stages of social and political movements that continuously arise and fall.
The performers are confronted with an individual raw state of constant search and questioning for what is needed right now and encouraged to detach and juxtapose all the existing layers in the presence of an audience, falling into meaning through the exposure of the process. The piece dwells between individuality and unity, persistence and intensity, concrete and abstract images and explores the power of an intentional presence in a boiling conscious body. The work happens in the space of transmission between performer & audience allowing a soft choreography of affect.
This collective study is part of a research on dances of resistance/ resistance in dance and how one body can represent a collective and common history, by way of a research about the place of dance, specifically of dances of resistance and their impact in our survival and manifestation of today’s movements.
Direction & choreography
Cristina Planas Leitão
Rehearsal director
Vivianne Rodrigues de Brito
Advice and assistance
Valentina Campora
Flávio Rodrigues (originally composed for the piece UM)
Dancers MTD2
Hanna van den Berg, Océane Borcy, Clotilde Cappelletti, Sandy Ceesay, Antoine Coppi, Sam Corver, Iuri da Silva Costa, Gergo Farkas, Karlijn Roest, Isaiah Selleslaghs, Amber Smits, Daniel Vliek, Zora Westbroek, Winter Wieringa
Light design and technique
Roan Lo-a-Njoe
Stage manager
Maureen Krumeich
Production manager
Dorothea Siemens
Dave Krooshof
Ellen den Bouwmeester, Fer Smidt, Gabi Kovacsova, Jille van der Pas
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris
© Sara Anke Morris